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new cygnative version 1.2 (for rsync + plink)

command line length limit extended

An anonymous user reported a problem with cygnative's command line truncation.

I released the new version 1.2, that should not have this limitation.

Re: new cygnative version 1.2 (for rsync + plink)

Works great! Thanks for fixing!

Re: new cygnative version 1.2 (for rsync + plink)

I am so glad you have built this tool that might solve many peoples' problem! Unfortunately I downloaded it and it does not work :( When I run cygnative.exe from the command line, there is no output of any kind. Nor is there any error message. I suppose it should print the usage without parameter. But no, there is none. I am running it on XP. Does it have any dependency? My PC don't have cygwin. Much thanks for your work!

Re: new cygnative version 1.2 (for rsync + plink)

Cygnative.exe prints usage information, when it is executed without any command line parameter. But you need an installed cygwin environment. Cygnative was written in order to use rsync compiled with cygwin together with a win32 native plink. Cygnative needs cygwin1.dll and KERNEL32.DLL.

Re: new cygnative version 1.2 (for rsync + plink)

Thank you. I happen to have a cygwin1.dll. It is from another nice folk who has enhanced cygwin to support unicode filename on Windows. UTF-8 Cygwin http://www.okisoft.co.jp/esc/utf8-cygwin/. cygnative is now working with the DLL! Thank you again!

Re: new cygnative version 1.2 (for rsync + plink)

Great tool, cygnative. I would be even more happy when it could be opened 'minimized'. Would it be possible to add an option /MIN, like exists for the command 'start /MIN'?

Re: new cygnative version 1.2 (for rsync + plink)

Cygnative is called from a process (often 'rsync') und that process opens the command line window.  What is your configuration, that cygnative should control the command line window?

Re: new cygnative version 1.2 (for rsync + plink)

I'm using Cygnative in a piece of C++ code by calling _popen, in order to 'steer' plink and pscp.
Everytime a new command is send to the server, a new cmd-box pops up. That's what I mean.

Re: new cygnative version 1.2 (for rsync + plink)

Thanks for your explanation, that makes sense.

Unfortunately the calling process is responsible for the window behaviour of the child. May be a child program can minimize it's window later, but the start size is controlled by the parent.

You can modify your code, that the child processes get a minimized window, but I believe in that case you can't use popen().

Re: new cygnative version 1.2 (for rsync + plink)

Hi Frank,

Thanks for your quick reply and explanation. I think I have to change the complete approach a bit, but for now the Cygnative 'trick' works fine.


Re: new cygnative version 1.2 (for rsync + plink)

Thank you very much for 'cygnative'!

I have been struggling with needing to use rsync with plink for years. You solved it. It even works flawlessly with Pageant.

And it works from both the Cygwin bash shell as well as the Windows cmd shell. Excellent.


Re: new cygnative version 1.2 (for rsync + plink)

Btw, it would be nice to include the usage in this latest post, since this is a bit like program page. Thanks. P.S. found the usage after following the magnificent tree of post - backwards!

Re: new cygnative version 1.2 (for rsync + plink)

Has anyone tried this with the new putty v0.61? Any problems?



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